12 august 2012

Show them!

They want you to show them some love, some affection, something that they don't show you at all. I wanna show them how strong I am without them. Is this wrong? I don't think so!
'Couse when you show them how strong you are, they would lose the control on you?
Then show them more power. Show them that you can make it without their help! Show them that your happiness dependes on you!
You know, they all can go to hell! Just your family will be with you no matter what! Not your boyfriend, not your girlfriend, not even your friends, but your mother, your father, your sister or brother, YES, they absolutely will be there for you, to listen you, to understand you, to LOVE you!

8 august 2012

Love or.. ?

Everybody's talking about love.. What means love? Love means sacrifice, love means to know the person who you're with, means to don't buy nothing, but instead of this, to have all the things you want etc. But there are some kids, some people who talk about this pure love and strong love and so on; and they didn't felt something like this never. I admit that neither I felt it, but I don't talk about it every second of my life!
Stop laughing of yourselves! You're so pathetic.
You actually feel a sensation that you love that person, sometimes is obsession, sometimes is passion and sometimes is just that: "I care a lot about you!" and nothing else. 
Well, to love a person means to take your time to get to know the person who you're with. To know his smell, to know what kind of music he likes, to know his family, to know what he's thinking of when he's worried, annoyed, happy, borred and to get to know all his acts, all his moves and to accept all this things.